Moving away to Abu Dhabi

Alex Diaz Acosta
2 min readNov 4, 2020

Tomorrow I will catch a flight to Abu Dhabi. I do not know when I will return to Mexico, yet I feel a minimum anxiety. Throughout my whole life I have always wanted to live alone. I am excited to start this jorney, traveling very far away only to discover once again my ever changing self.

The first time that I was apart from my family was when I was 17 years old. At that time I had the opportunity to spend a highschool semester in a parisian lycée. Looking back at those moments I now realize how lucky I was to have had that opportunity.

During that trip I realized that, when left by myself, my thoughts made me very happy. I remember watching the snow from my small window room, covering the neighbouring rooftops, the snow standing so still as my own thoughts. Unknown to me in mexico and yet so familiar, so estimulating to my mind and so bothersome to my cold body.

I am not anxious because I know that I have some honest and good friends waiting me home. I am grateful because my departure made me realize that some friends were false. Due to my departure I now know that I am very lucky to have some of the best friends that one could ever ask for.

I am not anxious because I know that traveling while a pandemic is suffocating the world is a brave thing to do. I am grateful for all the support from my mother, for making my travel and life as joyful as they can be. I now know that I am ready to make life changing decisions and succeed.

I am not anxious because ever since my father died ten years ago, I am no longer afraid of an abrupt and major change in life. Ever since his death, I realized that things are bound to change and that on the very few things which we control, we ought to be corageous and bold. I am grateful for his teachings, and I am beginning this journey closer to him than ever before.



Alex Diaz Acosta

Passionate learner, geoscientist, tennis enthusiast, and above all a great friend :)